
Friday, January 15, 2010

exam dh hbes..So what's next ?


salam =)

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah..

Exam dh hbes, now saya hanya bertawakkal to Allah.. and may Allah murahkan hati2 pemeriksa yg menanda kertas2 ku., uhu and so... this means that my 1 week holiday starts now.. ^_^ padahal baru je holiday hari tu kan..  tapi within a week ni.. banyak juga tugas-tugasan yg nak diselesaikan...

I still have to do the IPE (Inter-professional Education) presentation.. uhu tarikh nk present pun dekat dah.. uhu tapi x cek lgi bile .. its either 27th or on the 28th of Jan.. to actually think about it,, give me butterflies in my stomach.. +_+ because I haven't been presenting in front of a group of people for ages..
Zaman sekolah dulu.. leh lah nk bersyarah,.. berdebat or jadi Mc utk perhimpunan.. hoho tapi nowadays my confident levels are not that high anymore.. and plus now I think I get soo nervous easily and it feels like my heart is just going to blow off..!! =_= ..

Plus kalau saya rajin...insyaAllah I will update some of the interesting stuff that happened during winter break

Today.. I tried something new..  which is "chocolate cake in a mug!!"  Mula-mula tu.. tengah browse-browse di facebook.. then tertarik dgn status classmate ni.. Lisa.. she was saying that.. penat-penat je dia cuba bake cake selama ini.. but leh makan cake dalm mug within 5 minutes.. after google-ing it and   it's good and quick.. so I did google it.... hehe.. kalau korang nk google, google la.. and type chocolate cake in a mug..=)

and I found it interesting and terfikir.. jadi ke kek .. so pe lagi.. bawak laptop gi dapur and then cuba buat seperti arahan yg diberi.. tpi sorry x de gambar.. =( sbb x sbr nk mkn smpai lupa nk amik gambar.


4 sudu tepung flour
3 sudu gula
2 sudu coco powder ( tapi kat dpur xde coco powder so I just used cadbury powder ygorg buat air tu)
1 biji telur
3 sudu susu
3 sudu minyak
sedikit garam..and secubit bking pwder (optional)

so.. mula-mula..
masukkn tepung, gula and coco powder  and baking power tu dalam mug and then kacau
pastu masuk telur, susu and minyak.. and sedikit garam
and then kacau-kacau biar sebati

pastu msukkn ke dalam microwave.. and time it for 3 minutes, with power 1000 watt i think..

soo tunggu je sampai nampak bahan2 dalam mug tu rise..maka insyaAllah jadi la kek itu

ni pun cuba buat sbb rase nk mkn kek.. ahha.. memang cepat!! and sedap n moist la juge... kalau rajin.. mkn la dgn cream ke.. chocolate sauce ke pape.. =)

selamat mencuba .. n sorry xde gmbr.. uhu

tata for now


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